Missing Letters

Some letters of the English alphabet don't exist in the Irish alphabet. I have used Irish spellings on the A-Z name pages, so here's a guide to where to find names that begin with H, J, K, Q, and W.

You can also look on the Anglicized names page, they are listed alphabetically by anglicized spelling.

Some Irish names beginning with H did not start out that way.
For Haffy, Hallinan, Hallisey, Hanlon, Hanly, Hannigan, Hanrahan, Hartigan, please check under A.
For Hegarty, check under E.
For Heffernan, check under I.
For Hogan, Horan, and Honora, check under O.
For Houlihan, check under U.

K, Q
In Irish, C is used for K and Q sounds. For K and Q names, check under C.

J, V, W, X, Y, Z
For J names, check under I.
For W names, check under U.
There are likely no names in the Irish language that begin with V, X, Y or Z.